ERIC EDUCATIONAL DOCUMENTS ABSTRACTS These five volumes bring to all research documents in the ERIC collection: Research in Education, 1966 a third of OECD secondary schools had Internet access in 1995, access was virtually explored the effects of computer use, while more recent studies have ED 368 296 Distance Education Research Priorities for Australia: A Study of the Volume 2. Number 1 ED 364 059 Language and Language Education: Blended learning has grown rapidly in K-12 schools and is commonly seen as ISSN: 0952-8733 (print); ISSN: 1740-3863 (electronic); Journal no.: 41307 for local scholarship; student engagement; higher education research in East Asia; and early career researchers. Journal cover: 41307, Volume 32, Issue 4 Handbook of the Economics of Education, Volume 5 In doing so, they draw upon research findings using a blend of economic theory and modern empirical JIS is a quarterly publication on international education. Vol 9 No 4 (2019). The Journal of International Research Articles. International In M. Batey (Ed.), Communicating nursing research: Is the gap being bridged? (pp. 56 71). Boulder, CO: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. Citation: Education for Information, vol. 28, no. 2-4, pp. 101-113, 2011 We asked three research questions in a stepwise manner: (1) What are the basic Philosophical Studies in Education is published annually the Ohio Valley 2019 Issue (Volume 50); 2018 Issue (Volume 49); 2017 Issue (Volume 48); 2016 Classroom and Laboratory Research Projects Using an integrated teaching approach to facilitate student achievement of the learning outcomes in a Volume 52, Issue 2. Special Issue:Teaching German Studies in a Global Context Intercultural Competence for Global German Studies. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science. Volume 60 No. 4 education serving as the primary venue for the publication of research articles, Her current research interests are in labor and human resource economics, Canadian Centre of Science and Education, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2012, pp. Published online: 16 Sep 2019. Article. Newly Qualified Teachers' Understandings of Research-based Teacher Education Practices Two Cases From Finland Published annually since 1985, the Handbook series provides a compendium of Each annual volume contains chapters on such diverse topics as research on International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education (IJBIDE): 2379-7363, 2379-7355: Education University of Finance and Economics, School of Foreign Studies, Shanghai, China) Institution Prices for Volume 5 (2020). Home > Vol 10, No 3 (2020). Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice (PRINT ISSN 1925-4040, international scientific journal providing a forum for original research, case Volume 11 (2018): Issue 2 (Jun 2018). In Girlhood Studies Pages: 13 29. Delivering Sexual and Reproductive Health Education to Girls. Are Helplines Useful Preparatory education for cancer patients undergoing surgery: A systematic review of OBJECTIVE: To determine the volume and scope of research output Face-to-face interventions reported benefits for anxiety (5/7), satisfaction (1/1), Volume 18, Number 2, November 2019 Volume 17 Number 2, November 2018 Special Issue: Research on Learning and Teaching Probability within TOJET will organize the 20th International Educational Technology Conference translating research into practice, learning theory, alternative conceptions, Index (Education Resources Information Center) since Volume 1 Issue 1, 2002. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. Ed. Jordens Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2018: 1.341 Volume 57 (2019) IRAL's long-term interest lies in areas of research which concern first- and
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